Thursday, December 24, 2009

Raising A Boxer Puppy Training Boxer Puppy 3 Months Old?

Training Boxer Puppy 3 months old? - raising a boxer puppy

Just yesterday, I bought a puppy from a breeder of boxers. Ask a question about the type of training for my dog. "Rosco" was built out with his father and mother or sister and brothers. It has never been in a house was still out there performing. I brought him home in about 5 hours. Immediately warm. He ate bread and drank his water. Not once did he ever go to the toilet in the house. Also made sure to leave every hour in our yard. I have mixed feelings about it, but let me sleep with me last night. Never cries. He went immediately to bed with me. Never went to the bathroom to bed and woke me never to leave. I woke up this morning, took him straight and exhausted and p'd. This morning I went to work. I let him stay outside. It was a minor scandal, but a small fire quickly. The weather is so nice outside. He also has his breakfast, lunch and Out. (I have conflicting opinions on this point) My question is my team told me to crate train him. Do not understand, why should wiThout need. He has nothing wrong, did the need at this point. If he is not given enough time. I know I should take a look at lunch and see him the whole day outside. I would like to hear the thoughts or concerns?


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